No More Automatic Retirement at 75 for Curial Officials

Source: FSSPX News

The resignation of bishops and heads of the Curia at the age of 75 will no longer be automatic; it will have to be accepted by the pope, who can keep them in office “exceptionally”, explains Francis.

“Imparare a congedarsi”, preparing to take leave, is the name of the motu proprio published on February 15, 2018. In it, the Holy Father modifies the rule of canon law concerning the retirement of diocesan bishops and high-ranking prelates of the Roman Curia.

For the diocesan bishops, the rule of the age of 75 is maintained, but the pope adds that he can accept or decline this resignation.

For the heads of the Curia, their resignation at the age of 75 will now have to be accepted by the pope on the same conditions as those prescribed for diocesan bishops, as is already the case for the cardinals of the Curia.

For Francis, this is not a privilege for elderly bishops. The extension, if “exceptional”, “is not automatic, but it is an act of governing”; it is to be understood as motivated by the ecclesial common good.