Nouvelles de Chrétienté: Collapse of Religious Practice: Facts, Causes, and Remedies

A new book examines the statistics, the concerns, and the possible remedies to the collapse of religious practice in France over the past half-century.
By adding the subtitle “Anatomy of a Collapse” to his book, Comment notre monde a cessé d’être chrétien [How Our World Stopped Being Christian] (Seuil, 2018), Guillaume Cuchet, professor of contemporary history at the University of Paris-Est Créteil, clearly shows, with statistics in hand, that the decline of religious practice in France has been precipitous.
In fact, in the mid-1960’s, 94% of a generation was baptized and 25% went to Mass every Sunday; today, Sunday attendance averages 2% and no more than 30% are baptized before age 7.
Nouvelles de Chrétienté n. 170 (March-April 2018) takes up this finding and examines Cuchet’s attempt to exonerate Vatican Council II of responsibility for this collapse, and presents the remedies that could be offered by “the experiment of Tradition” desired by Abp. Lefebvre.
Other Articles in the Issue:
In the same issue you can read a remarkable essay on the papal infantrymen who came from Quebec to defend the Papal States and then, upon returning to the Belle Province, founded Piopolis, a city in honor of Pius IX.
Also, a tribute to the historian Jean de Viguerie on the occasion of the publication of Liber amicorum (Ed. Via Romana), an anthology presented to him by his colleagues and former students.
Finally, a very lively report on the formation session organized by the “Jeunes pro,” a youth group at Saint-Nicolas du Chardonnet parish in Paris on the topic of missionary enthusiasm.
Nouvelles de Chrétienté no. 170 (mars-avril 2018)
Published in French by the SSPX District of France
4 Euros per issue (outside of France: 5 Euros)
20 Euros for an annual subscription of 6 issues (outside of France: 24 Euros)
Order from:
CIVIROMA, 33 rue Galande, F-75005 PARIS or online through PayPal here.
Source: NDC—DICI no. 371, April 2018