Opening of the 2024 Olympic Games: Denials and Lies
Headquarters of the International Olympic Committee
The following is an opinion piece by Fr. Alain Lorans, SSPX. After the blasphemous parody of the Last Supper, during the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympic Games, the organizing committee tried to respond to the many criticisms raised around the world.
During a press conference, relayed by the International Olympic Committee, “they indicated that they had in no way intended to disrespect any religious group or any particular belief. They recalled that during the opening ceremony the only intention was always that of celebrating community and tolerance [illustrated in a bloody way by Marie-Antoinette being decapitated].”
“The organizing committee also specified that if some people were offended by certain scenes [such as that of the drag queens parodying Christ's Last Supper], it was totally unintentional and that they were sorry for it.”
However, at the time, those responsible for this ceremony explicitly claimed responsibility for its provocative nature, and the France Télévisions website bluntly captioned the photograph of drag queens imitating the institution of the Eucharist: “A LE-GEN-DARY Last Supper.” Since then, faced with the outcry, the message has been hypocritically removed from the site.
At the end of this masquerade, the bishops of France contented themselves with a soothing press release: “The opening ceremony proposed by the COJOP yesterday evening (Friday, July 26) offered the entire world wonderful moments of beauty, of joy, rich in emotion and universally acclaimed.”
“This ceremony unfortunately included scenes of derision and mockery of Christianity, which we deeply deplore.” – In short, everything was very beautiful, except for a few false notes concerning the Eucharist, as if it were a detail and not the Blessed Sacrament. And Pope Francis remained silent.
In the United States, Bishop Robert Barron of Winona-Rochester said that the organizers’ statement was “wokely duplicitous.” “The offense is clear and intentional. The Committee is lying by saying the opposite and claiming to promote tolerance. The Paris 2024 Organizing Committee is disrespecting the 2.6 billion Christians by making people believe that they were wrong about what happened.” – And the Vatican is silent.
The superior of the District of France of the Society of Saint Pius X, Fr. Benoît de Jorna, has called for public reparation for such blasphemy, stating: “It is impossible to remain indifferent or passive in the face of this new attack on the rights of Our Lord, true God and true man.”
“Unfortunately, the Church no longer has the power to repress such outrages. The fact remains that our Catholic faith must incite us to deeply deplore this blasphemous masquerade, all the more serious because it was orchestrated to be seen by the entire world. This outrage organized by public authorities is a scandal for a very great number of souls.” – Roman silence is becoming deafening.
We remember what Fr. Charles de Foucauld wrote to his friend, General François-Henry Laperrine, on December 6, 1915: “I believed, upon entering religious life, that I would have to advise gentleness and humility above all; with time, I see that what is most often lacking is dignity and pride.”
The dignity of souls redeemed by the Blood of Christ! The pride of those baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost! Noblesse oblige!
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(Source : Dici n° 447 – FSSPX.Actualités)
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