Paddling Back of Maltese Bishops about Communion to Divorced-Remarried
The Maltese Episcopal Conference, accused of giving the green light to the communion of "divorced-remarried" and adding to the confusion, tries to defend itself in a pastoral letter read on Sunday, March 12, 2017 in the seventy parishes of the island.
The document, dated Saturday, March 11, addresses the pastoral approach to "divorced-remarriages" in defense of all relativism:
We, Bishops, are not giving permission to a category of people to receive Communion without going through the necessary process of discernment. In no way do we want to lessen the power of the Lord’s Gospel on the family and marriage."
The Maltese bishops try to justify their position, which has been denounced as permissive:
At one with the heart of the Pope, we, Bishops, would like to draw the heart of the Church closer to each and every one of you, to each and every one of our brothers and sisters who are going through difficult situations. The priest… does not hide the words of Jesus, nor does he fail to convey the merciful heart of the Lord."
In conclusion, the bishops say: "We are committed to announce marriage as it has been created by God: a permanent union between one man and one woman, open to the gift of life."
This timid development comes after the Maltese episcopate - two bishops in all - was singled out for having interpreted Amoris laetitia as allowing for Communion to be given to civilly divorced-and-remarried Catholics.
Source: OnePeterFive