The Pandemia and Fatima

Source: FSSPX News

Basilique Notre-Dame de Fourvière

Mary mediatrix of all graces

On the Feast of the Annunciation, March 25, 2020, Cardinal Antonio Marto, Bishop of Fatima Leiria consecrated Portugal, Spain and 22 other nations to the united Hearts of Jesus and Mary in order to implore the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary against the pandemic.

Thus, in this distress, one recalled the appeal of little Jacinta, who before her death earnestly admonished: “Tell everyone that God wants to grant us His graces through the Immaculate Heart of Mary; one should ask everything of her; one should implore peace from the Heart of Mary, because God has entrusted everything to her.”

Covid-19, a punishment from God?

On July 13, 1917, Mary warned the world: “If men do not stop insulting God, another, worse war will begin... God will punish the world for its crimes through war, famine, persecution of the Church and the Holy Father...” But men have not ceased to insult God severely; on the contrary, through apostasy, blasphemy and disregard for all the commandments, they have despised God. This willful disobedience is nothing other than a cloaked hatred of God who is forsaken officially by whole nations.

In the votive Mass for the defense against contagious diseases, Recordare, Domine (No. 23 in the Roman Missal), there is the repeated mention of the wrath of God, who, in order to induce sinners to repent, punishes them through epidemics, hunger and war, and He removes these scourges as soon as the people convert. This thought is vehemently rejected today because it does not fit into the modern image of God in the minds of men.

What is the wrath of God?

The wrath of God cannot be compared to a human anger that results from a lack of control, but on the contrary, it is an expression of the love of God.  Like a loving father, God firstly admonishes his children with goodness. However, if this mildness is disregarded, the Father must sound stronger tones and threaten punishment, so that the children become aware that it is serious. In this way, out of loving concern for us human beings, God also resorts to this last means of punishment, in order to induce us, His children, to repent and to be able to save us.

In all actuality, much more terrible punishments would deservedly correspond to the righteous wrath of God, but only this small virus appears.  What happened? It seems that this is the gentle intervention of a motherly love, obviously Our Lady.  She wants to give humanity one last chance once again, that we take this plague, which all peoples have noticed, seriously as a warning. Since the Second World War, humanity has always been on the rise due to growing prosperity and the progress of technology. People have felt so secure that they have really forgotten God. After 75 years, what is happening today is the first shock that has hit the whole world and should lead to a serious reflection. We owe this grace period to the maternal heart of Mary.

Rediscovering the Rosary

In many places the churches were literally closed, so that nobody had access to the sacraments. So, our faithful were left with the rosary, which no one can take away from us. The Rosary serves not only as a prayer of supplication, but also as an aid to contemplation and a deepening of the mysteries of salvation and, in general, as a chain of connection with heaven. In this way, the message of Fatima becomes more relevant than ever in this time of crisis of Covid-19!