Philippines: Government Rejects UN Injunctions on Abortion
Jesus Crispin Remulla, Philippine Minister of Justice
Last week, Philippine leaders once again rejected pressure from the United Nations to legalize the killing of unborn children in their country through abortion. In what was probably an attempt to test the new Philippine government, the UN had asked them to apply the recommendations of the international body.
The Manila Times reported that “the Philippines has rejected outright the recommendation of the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC) to legalize same-sex marriage, as well as to allow abortion and divorce.” This demand was made by other UN member states during last week's Universal Periodic Review (UPR) in Geneva.
The UPR is a peer review mechanism that regularly assesses the promotion and protection of human rights in the 193 member states of the United Nations.
Justice Secretary Jesus Crispin Remulla said pro-abortion recommendations made by the UN Human Rights Council last week in Geneva are “not acceptable.”
The Philippines, a predominantly Catholic country, protects unborn babies by banning abortions. But, like other pro-life countries, its leaders continue to come under intense pressure from world powers to legalize abortion on demand.
Contrary to National Identity
“It's a matter of policy whether we accept it or not and I think we know as a country we are not ready for that,” Remulla said at a Monday press briefing. .
“Culturally, our values may conflict with many of the values that they (Western countries) want to impose upon us. We are not ready for that, culturally we are not ready for that. That is our position right now,” he added.
“Actually, I think we are the only country together with the Vatican that still does not recognize divorce,” Remulla said.
Justice Undersecretary Raul Vasquez said the Philippine delegation rejected the recommendations outright “because of national identity, our religious beliefs and our cultural traditions and the Philippine sovereignty that need to be protected and defended at all times.”
Mr. Vasquez has also criticized pro-abortion leaders who attack his country because its laws protect babies in their mother's womb.
“These are the usual countries that always pick on the Philippines. These are the rich countries from Europe that are very, very high on individual rights and have no notion of community rights. But I think we did very well,” Vasquez said, according to the Manila Times. Pro-life leaders say United States President Joe Biden has also lobbied pro-life countries to legalize abortion.
It should be remembered that abortion is the first cause of death in the world. Each year, between 42 and 73 million unborn babies are aborted around the world, placing the killing of the innocent by far at the top of the annual list of causes of death.
(Sources : LifeNews/The Manila Times – FSSPX.Actualités)
Illustration : Department of Justice, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons