Pope Francis Congratulates Donald Trump

Source: FSSPX News

Pope Francis and Donald Trump in 2017

On the occasion of the inauguration for his second term, Pope Francis sent a message to “The Honorable Donald J. Trump,” President of the United States of America.

A few hours before the swearing-in of the 47th President of the United States, in the conclusion of his message, the Pope asked that “God guide his efforts to promote peace and reconciliation among peoples,” and that He “invoke upon you, your family, and the beloved American people, the abundance of divine blessings.”

The day began in Washington with a religious service at St. John’s Church, just across the street from the White House, before Donald Trump went to the official residence of the American presidents and was welcomed there by Joe Biden.

The Pope began his message by extending his “cordial greetings and assurance” of his prayers that “Almighty God may grant you wisdom, strength and protection in the exercise of your high office.”

But the central part takes up one of his leitmotifs: he expressed hope that “under the leadership” of the new President of the United States “the American people will prosper and will always strive to build a more just society, in which there is no room for hatred, discrimination, or exclusion.”

Also referring to the “scourge of war,” Pope Francis urged Donald Trump to make “efforts to promote peace and reconciliation among peoples,” being “inspired by the ideals of the nation, a land of opportunity and welcome for all.”

On January 19, during an Italian television program, the pontiff deplored Donald Trump’s migration policy program. On the latter's stated desire to initiate the expulsion of illegal migrants as soon as he comes to power, the Pope reacted: "If it is true, it will be a shame.... It will make the poor unfortunates who have nothing pay the bill for the imbalance."

It should be remembered that the Pope had already castigated Donald Trump's idea of ​​building a wall between the United States and Mexico and expelling illegal immigrants during the 2016 campaign. "If he says these things, this man is not a Christian," he said on a flight returning from a trip to Mexico.

Finally, as reported by this site, on January 6, the Holy See appointed Cardinal Robert McElroy, formerly Archbishop of San Diego, California, as head of the Archdiocese of Washington, D.C. He is a bishop known for his progressivism, who immediately took a position against the intentions of the new occupant of the White House regarding immigration.