Portugal: Letter from Fr. Daniel Maret on the situation in Fatima

Source: FSSPX News


What is new in Fatima? Combat, and still more combat. The two forces facing each other at present are, on the one hand, the modernist clergy and on the other, Fatima and its message, with the recent publication of the French translation of “Calls from the Message of Fatima”, written by Sister Lucy.

The message that the modernist clergy are trying to get across is that Fatima belongs to the past, that its specific vocation is outdated since Vatican II, and since the assassination attempt when the pope was injured. The rector of the Shrine redoubles his imaginative efforts in trying to discover its new vocation, through a scholarly, or rather convoluted, reinterpretation of the messages of the Blessed Virgin and the Angel. This new vocation, as you may have guessed, is again the age-old Masonic idea of ecumenism.

What is new under the sun of Satan, I ask you? The children’s communion to the chalice becomes a recognition of the legitimacy of the Orthodox schism, the name of Fatima becomes an opening to Islam, etc. The idea of the sadly famous congress of October 2003 is catching on. The quest for the future face of God requires ever more dialogue to finally reach the fusion of all religions.

Most recently, at the beginning of May 2004, the Hindus were invited to come and pray to their divinity in the “Capelina” of the Apparitions at Fatima. This is certainly thanks to the remark made by the Dalai-Lama during his official visit to Fatima: “This place contains positive waves”. Thus the tone is set for all the representatives of false religions to come to Fatima and be officially welcomed by the rector. Conversion? Absolutely not, that would not be worthy of the all-important ecumenism; but on the contrary, making new religious experiences, immerged in those positive waves – ah, all that is warmly recommended, especially as it helps the modernist clergy, in their lack of imagination, to give their thoughts a new lease of life, to finally discover this futuristic face of God. Fatima must become, at least for Portugal, “the experimental form”, where the craziest experiences will be tested out. Already in many towns, prayer meetings and ecumenical worship events have been organized by young Catholics, following the example of the ecumenical events of October 2003.

The numerous protests (more than 300 letters) in the wake of the scandalous Congress, only succeeded in provoking a more cunning and daring reaction in the same ecumenical direction. The communiqué which flowed from the pen of the rector in reply to the protests from the still Catholic remnant, was limited to mentioning the conflict between the partisans of ecumenism and its resistors, justifying the former and caricaturing the reaction of the latter, in order to condemn them more easily. The key slogan to justify all this was, of course, employed: “We are united with Rome, they are against the pope”.

The official spokesmen of Fatima are occupied with other things (now that the construction of the building in accordance with Masonic architectural form has begun…). In other words, the line is busy. The voice of Fatima is obscured and the demands of the Blessed Virgin remain ever unfulfilled. Is it any wonder that the situation of the world today is so much in accordance with what the Blessed Virgin Mary had prophesied: wars, persecution of Christians, earthquakes, disasters, a Russia still not converted, but ever more dangerous for the Uniate Chistians and soon for the Christian West.

But let us turn to the positive news from Fatima. The publication of the new document by Sister Lucy, the book of the “Calls”. Because Sister Lucy has wisely confined herself to the role of recalling the message of Fatima, and not attempted to convince the insincere, some people have been disappointed. Yet through this book, we are better able to understand Sister Lucy’s approach, because the message, when well recounted, is sufficient of itself to throw more light on resolving the awful crisis which is rampant in the Church.

Let us open the book with an attentive eye and immediately it becomes clear that Vatican II, with its ecumenism, is blatantly anti-Fatima: the traditional catechism on the Holy Mass is recalled forcefully, the importance of the cult of adoration of God is stressed, in the same way as iconoclasm is condemned; the Catholic Church is brought back to the center stage of history, as the unique fold of Jesus Christ; the duty to convert, of penitence and of sanctification is once again highlighted; the arbitrary exercise of authority is condemned, as well as the spirit of disobedience; error cuts us off from the Mystical Body of Christ and hell still threatens infidels and sinners; love can not truly exist without sacrifice, without effort – in short, we are put back on the narrow and steep path of the true religion, which will lead us to Heaven; sin exists and indecent fashions are indecent, because original sin is always present in its consequences, and must be fought against through the renunciation of sin and of illicit and dangerous things – occasions of sin, as they are traditionally known; purity is necessary for salvation; the temple must be reserved for prayer. Prayer is imperative, as well as acts of reparation for the conversion of sinners.

To sum up, you would think you were transported back to the time of Pius XII, or reading Archbishop Lefebvre condemning automatic or already-acquired salvation for all, whatever their religion, and advocating the sacrifice of reparation, etc. This is a bedside book to read conscientiously. Everything is said simply and to the point, we must believe that it was written for our times, whatever certain authorities may say, blinded as they are, by their ecumenical commitment which has led them to this notorious “silent apostasy” recently condemned by Pope John Paul II.

In the next issue of DICI we will return to the inter-religious threats which is hanging over the sanctuary of Fatima, thanks to the valued collaboration of the journalist John Vennari.