Presentation of the document, From ecumenism to silent apostasy

Source: FSSPX News


The communication addressed by Bishop Fellay to all the cardinals, both electing and non-electing, includes a letter signed by the four bishops of the Society and the First General Assistant, as well as a 53-page study, divided into 3 chapters, subdivided into 47 paragraphs, with 143 notes: Chapter 1. Analysis of the ecumenical thought. Chapter 2. The doctrinal problems posed by ecumenism. Chapter 3. The pastoral problems posed by ecumenism. – Drawn up in French, this document was also translated into German, English, Spanish and Italian,

Resumé: Starting with the observation made by John Paul II in Ecclesia in Europa, of an alarming observation of a Europe in a state of “silent apostasy”, the document denounces the ecumenism promoted by the Church since Vatican II as the cause of this state of affairs, and asks for a return to traditional doctrine: “From the successor of Peter, we prayerfully hope that he would hear our humble appeal for help, and that he would heroically manifest that charity which had been asked of the first Pope when he received his office, the greatest of charity – “Amas Me plus his”, the charity necessary to save the Church.” (The complete text of this document is available on the DICI website.)