Priest Attached to Tradition Murdered in South Africa

Source: FSSPX News


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On January 21, 2009, Rev. Father Eldred Leslie, 83 years old, was savagely murdered in his bungalow in Pietermarizburg where he lived alone. This zealous priest, an apostle of the Zulus, had left his foundation in Durban to the Society of Saint Pius X and was ministering to faithful as deeply attached as he was to the Mass of all time,  in the chapel of Our Lady and Saint Michael. According to the police, he might have been the victim of a robber who took advantage of Father’s hospitality.

A friend from Durban, who is also a reader of DICI, wrote to us: “Fr. Leslie was generous to the poor and did much to help them. He saved many souls. All I can tell you is that he has been persecuted by religious authorities for having refused to offer the new Mass. Were it not for this constant refusal, he might have lived safely in a retirement home. It is all very sad.” Requiem æternam dona ei, Domine, et lux perpetua luceat ei!