A prize for the defense of Greek and Latin

Source: FSSPX News


The prize for journalists of 5,000 euros for the defense of Latin and Greek, organized by the Pontifical Committee for Historical Sciences, will be awarded for the second time in May 2007.

 This award was created in order to fight against “the progressive degradation of ancient Greek and Latin,” the consequence of which is that “the students capable of devoting themselves not only to historical studies, but also to philological, philosophical and theological studies are decreasing in number. This is likely to lead to an impasse in research in these fields,” reads the October 6 communiqué issued by the Pontifical Committee for Historical Sciences.

 The aim of this award is to defend the ancient languages, not only in the school environment, but also in public opinion. The Committee deplored the school policy adopted over the past ten years in this domain. The ‘dead’ languages are important, not only for Europe and “the future of the countries which were born within these cultural roots,” but also for “the cultural patrimony of the whole of humanity,” concluded the communiqué.


For information: www.vatican.va in the pages on the Committee, or by e-mail: [email protected]. To be accepted, articles must have been published between October 31, 2006 and April 30, 2007.