A Promising – or Not So Promising – Pre-Synod for Young People
Pope Francis greets participants of the Pre-Synod
On March 25, 2018, the final text of the “pre-synod for young people,” for which nearly 300 young people from all over the world came to Rome for a few days, was presented by Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri, secretary general of the synod.
How were these 300 young people selected, and how representative are they really?
The pre-synod was attended by 285 young people, and their selection was anything but random.
This first selection was made by the local bishops’ conferences: 127 young people were designated. The second choice was made by formation houses and diocesan seminaries, that sent 61 young people. The last selection was made by the secretariat for the synod that invited 51 young “specialists” selected for their “expertise in particular fields, including politics, humanitarian work, and culture.”
These three selections combined (episcopal conferences, diocesan seminaries, and the synod) represent a fairly restricted range: all, or almost all of the participants come from backgrounds that have assimilated the spirit of the Second Vatican Council, and do not seem to have much perspective on it.
Given the fact that in France, for example, “a quarter of the priests ordained come from the ranks of the Traditional Catholics” (Le Figaro, July 7, 2017), one cannot but wonder about the impact of the criticism that has been voiced concerning the conciliar reforms. John Monaco (Catholic Herald, March 30, 2018) writes: “Many of the answers given by the youth…voiced a desire for orthodox teaching and reverent liturgy, including specific references to promoting the Extraordinary Form.”
However, the main work areas mentioned in the pre-synodal document presented by Cardinal Baldisseri on March 25 – the Church seen as too moralizing, not inclusive enough, too timid… – seems to plead in favor of more progressivist positions. They once again promise nothing good for this Synod on Young People that will take place from October 3 to 28, 2018.
What Is Really Going On?
Read in DICI #371 (April 2018), to be published on April 26, our article on the Pre-Synod for Young People: “Several Roman observers wonder how similar the preparations for this synod on young people are to those of the synod on the family. With the same enthusiastic rhetoric and the same doctrinal confusions.”
Sources: La Croix / Zenit / Le Figaro / FSSPX.News – 4/25/2018