Providentially Derisory

Source: FSSPX News

German bishops who support the demands of homosexuals, a cardinal who wants to allow the marriage of priests, another who wishes to correct Catholic morality...this is the sad news in the Church today. It is all the more sad that these scandals have not aroused any reaction in Rome.

The following is a reflection by Fr. Alain Lorans.

The silence is total. It is broken only to prohibit the traditional Mass, and to castigate the priests and the faithful who are attached to it. “Individualists” and “subjectivists” are the epithets that are applied to them in Rome. The bimillennial Tradition must be eradicated and make way for a new religion.

Usque quo, Domine (Ps. 12:2)? How long, Lord, will Thou allow the Passion of your Church? Deserted seminaries, empty churches, sold or destroyed, religious practice in dizzying decline— Thy Church seems worn out. Usque quo, Domine?

On February 2, the feast of the Purification, 43 young men took the cassock in three of the seminaries of the Society of Saint Pius X and are preparing for the priesthood.

On March 12, the fathers of families will march towards Chartres and place their homes under the protection of St. Joseph.

At Pentecost, thousands of pilgrims from all over Europe will head for Paris, proclaiming “the youth for God, the youth for fidelity.”

In the eyes of the world all these demonstrations of faith are derisory, as was the small stone in David’s sling which struck down the giant Goliath.

Yes, all this is providentially derisory, because we are only asked to engage in battle. Victory belongs to God alone!

Since the admirable witness of St. Joan of Arc, humble daughter of Lorraine, confronted with a seasoned occupying army, we know that derisory rhymes with victory.