Publication of the Proceedings of the 16th Courrier de Rome Congress
The publication of the proceedings of the 16th Courrier de Rome Congress, “Tradition after Traditionis Custodes,” is now available.
The proceedings of the 16th theological congress of the journal Courrier de Rome, organized on January 15, 2022 in Paris, in partnership with DICI, on the theme: “Tradition after Traditionis Custodes,” have just been published. On the back cover may be found a reminder of the topicality of the issues addressed during this study day:
“Through the July 16, 2021 motu proprio Traditionis Custodes, Pope Francis established that ‘the liturgical books promulgated by the holy pontiffs Paul VI and John Paul II, in accordance with the decrees of the Second Vatican Council, are the only expression of the lex orandi of the Roman Rite (art. 1).’ This decision more than astonished the faithful attached to the traditional Catholic liturgy, as expressed in what is called the Missal of St. Pius V. It deeply upset them, and even generated, in more than one, a crisis of confidence in the Holy See. Some of them have even hinted that the measure taken by Francis would be in contradiction with the enlargement granted by Benedict XVI in the 2007 motu proprio Summorum Pontificum. Others, until now beneficiaries of the concessions granted by John Paul II in the 1988 Motu proprio Ecclesia Dei adflicta, thought they had found a way to overcome their disappointment in a renewed effort of submission and by claiming the possibility of continuing to use the traditional liturgy solely as a personal privilege, already inscribed in the statutes of their institutions since 1988.”
“How is one to evaluate these reactions? And above all, with the hindsight given us by these successive motu proprio, how can we understand Rome's will with regard to the traditional liturgy? The 16th Courrier de Rome Congress was held in Paris on Saturday January 15, 2022, addressing this post-Traditionis custodes theme, was held to answer these questions.”
After an introduction by Fr. Bernard de Lacoste, director of Courrier de Rome and director of the Ecône Seminary, may be found the full text of the six conferences given during the congress:
Vatican II and the New Mass: 50 years of Conciliar Variations? – Fr. Nicolas Portail, professor of Church history at the St. Pius X University Institute
Does the Tridentine Mass Challenge Vatican II? – Fr. Alain Lorans, editor-in-chief of DICI
Does the Mass of St. Pius V Divide the Church? – Fr. Jean-Michel Gleize professor of ecclesiology at the Ecône Seminary
Traditionis Custodes or Contempt for the Laity - Dominique Viain, associate professor of classics
The Application of Traditionis Custodes in the Dioceses – Fr. Benoît Espinasse, editor-in-chief of La Porte Latine
Keeping Tradition and Passing It On – Fr. Davide Pagliarani, Superior General of the Society of Saint Pius X
Proceedings of the 16th Congress: La Tradition après Traditionis Custodes, Courrier de Rome editions, 226 pages, €16 (+ €3 postage; outside mainland France: €6)
Le Courrier de Rome - B.P. 10156 – 78001 Versailles Cedex.
Email: [email protected]– Website:
Subscription to the magazine. France: €30; Foreign: 40 €; Ecclesiastics: half price.
Actes du XVIe congrès : La Tradition après Traditionis custodes, éditions Courrier de Rome, 226 pages, 16 € (+ 3 € de port ; hors France métropolitaine : 6 €)
Le Courrier de Rome - B.P. 10156 – 78001 Versailles Cedex.
Courriel : [email protected] – Site internet :
Abonnement à la revue. France : 30 € ; Etranger : 40 € ; Ecclésiastiques : demi-tarif.
Source : Courrier de Rome – DICI n°426, novembre 2022