A Reminder from Cardinal Brandmüller Regarding Clerical Abuse

Cardinal Walter Brandmüller
In an interview published on January 5, 2019, Cardinal Walter Brandmüller denounced society’s hypocrisy in condemning abuse of minors by members of the clergy and pointed out the “real scandal”: the fact that the Church has little by little become secularized.
Cardinal Brandmüller, a former president of the Pontifical Committee for Historical Sciences, declared to the German press agency DPA on January 5, 2019 that “only a vanishingly small number of priests has perpetrated abuse” and that it is “hypocritical” for society to condemn sexual abuse by priests.
The 90-year-old prelate, who was made a cardinal by Pope Benedict XVI in 2010, also recalled that the connection between homosexuality and abuse of minors has been “statistically proven”.
These remarks did not fail to draw a reaction from the editor-in-chief of the newspaper Die Welt, Ulf Poschardt, who immediately denounced “a disgraceful way of relativizing the guilt of the Catholic Church and defaming homosexuals.”
The deeper problem, concluded Cardinal Brandmüller, is what he calls the “growing sexualization of society”, from which “the Catholic Church hasn’t distinguished herself”, going right along with the course of increasing secularization.
Related links
- Derrière la dénonciation du scandale des prêtres pédophiles
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- Etats-Unis : de 1947 à 2010, 300 prêtres soupçonnés d’abus
Sources: NCR Register / Die Welt / FSSPX.News – 1/25/2019