Rome. The pope wishes to speed up the cause of beatification of Robert Schuman.

Source: FSSPX News


Aware of the importance of the present time for the future of Europe, the pope asked that the process of beatification of Robert Shumann be speeded up. For the moment, this process is at its diocesan stage. "This stage must be completed before the end of the year 2003", said Jacques Paragon the demander1 of the cause stressing that "the pope takes it much to heart."

A politician from Lorraine who has suffered much from the two wars and the enmity between the two nations, Robert Schuman militated in favor of a united Europe, the principles of which are not quite clear. "Europe, he said, cannot and must not remain an economical undertaking. It needs a soul. Europe will live and will be saved only in the measure that it will be aware of itself and of its responsibilities, and will go back to the Christian principles of solidarity and brotherhood."

The diocesan investigation has suffered some delay by reason of the numerous changes of postulators. The present postulator, Father Joseph Jost, has been the fifth since the official beginning of the cause in 1990. This gives us to think that this rather doubtful cause has discouraged more than one person…

The pope then wants to use this cause of beatification in the context of his action in favor of an explicit reference to the Christian roots of Europe in the future European constitution.

Once more, we are confronted to an intrumentalization of the beatifications and canonizations.