The Rosary Crusade and the Consecration to the Virgin Mary

Source: FSSPX News

In his latest Letter to Friends and Benefactors of the Society of St. Pius X, Bishop Bernard Fellay launches a new “crusade of prayer and penance” to collect “at least twelve million rosaries that the Church may be delivered from the evils that are devastating her or that threaten her in the near future, that Russia may be consecrated and that the Triumph of the Immaculate may soon come.”

On Good Friday, April 22, answering the questions of some viewers on the Italian channel RAI Uno, Benedict XVI made it known that: “I have no intention for the moment of doing a new public consecration, but I would like to invite you further to enter into this already established confidence, that it may become a reality lived by us, every day, and that there may thus grow a truly Marial Church, who is Mother, Spouse and Daughter of Jesus.”  In speaking of an “already established confidence”, the Pope was referring to the acts of public consecration of his predecessors: “the Popes, be it Pius XII, Paul VI or John Paul II, have made great acts of consecration to the Virgin, and it seems to me that, as an act before humanity and before Mary herself, these were very important gestures.”  But as for him, he adds: “I think that now, it is important to interiorize this act, to let it penetrate us, to realize it in ourselves.”  Without going so far as to exclude the idea of an act of public consecration: “Maybe, one day, it will be necessary to repeat it.”  In this context, all generous souls will grasp the necessity and the urgency of this new Rosary Crusade.  And will respond to it with redoubled fervor. (Sources: apic/imedia – DICI #234, May 7, 2011)

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A New Rosary Crusade for the Church and the Consecration of Russia