Saint Nicholas du Chardonnet: premeditated occupation

Source: FSSPX News


During an interview with Fr. Xavier Beauvais, parish priest of St. Nicholas du Chardonnet since August 15 last, DICI has learnt that the occupation of the church, on Monday December 8, by 150 illegal aliens, had indeed been planned by the Greens. (see our press review in Nouvelles de Chrétienté n° 84, as well as the photo gallery on our website)

Actually, a month before the operation, the Green local councilor, Sylvain Garel, carried out a comprehensive visit of the church, under cover of the Commission of the City Council of Paris, responsible for Patrimony, going into all the rooms: the crypts, the catechism room, etc.

He was very careful not to reveal his political identity to Fr. Beauvais, who did not suspect him, but was nevertheless intrigued by the attention with which this visitor looked at the books and magazines set out on the press table.

On December 8, in the square, the parish priest of St. Nicholas du Chardonnet recognized his "inspector" from the Patrimony, and told him so. Sylvain Garel did not deny having visited the Church a month earlier, - which, on that occasion, amounted to a ground reconnaissance.

Moreover, Fr. Beauvais told us that the parish had been the object of vandalism during the three weeks which preceded the occupation: throwing of plastic bags filled with paint at the façade, five stencils painted on the square with the inscription: "These people honor with their lips, but their hearts are far from me". The same quotation had been placed on a banner above the portal. – The leftists rarely quote Holy Scriptures, it is true, but stencils tags are one of their specialties.

In the face of these attacks one can legitimately believe that, the church where 5,000 traditional faithful go peaceably every Sunday, is under threat, not by illegal immigrants, but by their vile manipulators full of hatred.

Fr. Beauvais has also taken the security measures which are imperative. And the surveillance of the Church has been maintained with an increased vigilance since these events.

Click here to visit our photo gallery of the occupation of the church of St Nicolas