Science Takes One Step Closer to Human Cloning Following Successful Experiment
“A threat for the future of humanity,” was the reaction of Cardinal Elio Sgreccia, president emeritus of the Pontifical Academy for Life, on January 24, 2018 on the website AdnKronos, to the recent cloning of two primates in China.
“In contrast to the possibility of human cloning, which the Church can only condemn most forcefully and absolutely, the ecclesiastical Magisterium has not yet explicitly condemned animal cloning,” explained Cardinal Sgreccia.
The prelate, who served for a long time as spokesman for the Vatican on bioethical matters, added that “undoubtedly, the transition from the first sheep Dolly to other animals and now to monkeys, that are the primates most similar to humans, constitutes a real attack on the future of humanity.”
The journal Cell revealed on January 24, 2018, that using a procedure called “somatic cloning,” a team of researchers in Shanghai has successfully cloned two monkeys, born in November and December of 2017, Zhong and Hua, whose names together mean “Land of the Dragon.”
Sources: Adnkronos / Génèthique / Cell / FSSPX.News -2/3/2018