Seminary of Écône - Ordinations to the Subdiaconate and Second Minor Orders - 2024
Les trois nouveaux sous-diacres
March 16, 2024, Sitientes Saturday, is traditionally the day of ordination ceremonies at the St. Pius X Seminary in Écône.
In the Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Bishop Alfonso de Galarreta conferred the second minor orders of Exorcist and Acolyte to seven fourth year seminarians (an Argentinian, a Belgian, a Spaniard, and four Frenchmen).
Écoutez le Sermon de Mgr Alfonso de Galarreta
Listen to Bishop Alfonso de Galarreta’s sermon.
Bishop de Galarreta then proceeded with the ordination of three seminarians to the subdiaconate, in the course of which they made the definitive commitment to chastity, symbolized by the “step” ceremony. At the call of the assistant priest, the seminarians take a step forward to demonstrate their definitive desire to remain in the service of Christ.
See all the photos of the ceremony:
(Source : Séminaire Saint Pie-X - FSSPX.Actualités)