She is served by the Great and by the Little – Our Lady of the Snows

Source: FSSPX News

The Catholic Church is Roman. By a special Providence the first vicar of Christ, St. Peter, died in Rome, thus setting the seal of his blood upon this See of Catholic authority. And St. Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles, on the same day as St. Peter, set his own bloody seal of apostolic consent upon Rome’s bosom so that there could never be any cause for schism in the Church. Thus consecrated by these two Apostles in the year 63 AD, it would take 4 centuries for Rome to be transformed from a city full of pagan temples to the Mistress of Truth.

The great sign and instrument of this complete transformation took shape in St. Mary Majors, the most important Basilica of Rome to the Mother of God. It was the first major sanctuary within the walls of the old pagan city and the most important Marian Church – “Majors” – that replaced the many temples of the impure pagan goddesses. Besides its pre-eminence of size, location, and the importance accorded it by the Popes, it contains Mary’s most precious relic, the crib of Bethlehem. Built by Pope Liberius (352 – 366), it took the title “Mother of God” to celebrate the Eastern Council of Ephesus (431) which extirpated the heresy of Nestorianism in the formula “Theotokos” – “Mother of God.”

Mary Majors had a miraculous beginning. The rich Roman Patrician John and his childless wife vowed their whole estate on the Esquiline hill to the Blessed Virgin. The great August heats notwithstanding, Mary made it snow on a good portion of the Esquiline hill, and appearing by a dream separately to John, his wife, and the reigning Pope Liberius, made it known that She would be their heiress and that She wished a Church to be built on the site outlined by the miraculous snow. A Papal procession to the site with the Roman clergy took place, the plans were laid and the Basilica raised. The Queen of Heaven wished to reign from Rome, not only the city of the Popes, but the city of Mary.

What Mary did for pagan Rome, She will do again for modernist Rome, but not by the great ones of this world. Whereas the old Roman basilicas were the patrimony of the noble Roman families, Mary’s re-conquest of Rome through her “dream” manifested to 3 shepherd children at Fatima, presages that it will be the little ones who will be Her instruments for the return of modernist Rome to Catholic Rome. The Rosaries of millions of Catholics will be the snow-flakes outlining for the vicar of Christ his necessary obedience to the Queen’s command to consecrate Russia to Her Immaculate Heart, for Peace in the world – the new Pax Romana. Let us be these fervent little ones to assist Mary Major to carry out Her designs by the daily Rosary, sacrifices of reparation and prayer for the Sovereign Pontiff to do his duty. Ave Maria