A Short History of SSPX in Malaysia by One of the Pioneers
In the early 1990’s a few of us together with our families got together to pray the rosary every Saturday. We later began to promote it to other Catholics by bringing the Rosa Mystica statue to their house on Saturday, praying the rosary with them, and thereafter leaving the statue there for a week for the family to continue to pray in front of it.
However, we felt spiritually starved at that time and someone suggested to invite a traditional priest to come to Kuala Lumpur. Thus, it came to pass that in October of 1991, we wrote to His Excellency Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre requesting for the presence of a traditional Catholic priest in Kuala Lumpur. About a fortnight later, we received a reply from Rev. Fr Schmidberger, the Superior General of SSPX advising us that the Archbishop had passed away in March of that year and that he (Fr Schmidberger) would definitely give our request serious consideration.
On the 19th of January 1992, Father Horatio Gentili visited Kuala Lumpur. Visits from Father Gentili at that time were infrequent-- about once a month, and since we did not have a chapel, Masses were celebrated in our homes on a rotation. I recall that when Fr Gentili was subsequently posted elsewhere, he told us that he would be succeeded by Fr Laisney, and that we had better be prepared for a bigger vehicle to fetch him from the airport as Fr Gentili claimed that Fr Laisney was much much bigger than he. Anyone who knows Father Gentili will know how big he is, so we were at wits end trying to procure a large enough vehicle to ferry Fr Laisney from the airport. Imagine our surprise/relief when we realized that Fr Gentili had played a joke on us, when a rather skinny Fr Laisney exited the airport.
A few years later, through the generosity of the Lim family, we were able to establish a chapel at their commercial premises in Sungei Buloh and we were able to purchase the necessary altar, benches and other necessities through donations from the faithful. Visits from SSPX priests gradually became more frequent, first fortnightly and then weekly. We have been blessed to have had so many SSPX priests and bishops visit and stay with us over the years and take care of our spiritual needs. Among our faithful regular attendees were students from East Malaysia who were studying in Kuala Lumpur and subsequently through their urging, a chapel was established back in their hometown in Kota Kinabalu (on Borneo) where they are now able to get the traditional Mass twice a month.
Although we were grateful to have a chapel in Sungei Buloh, the location was not so convenient as the area lacked public transport and people found it difficult to reach the Mass there regularly. In July of 2016, we managed to find and rent a place in Bukit Jalil and the chapel was moved to the present premises which are more centrally located and close to two Light Rail stations. Since then the number of attendees has grown so much that the chapel is now packed. Our numbers are growing further following the establishment of the youth group and the chapel website.
Deo Gratias!
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Last issue of the district bulletin : Apostle 51
(Source : district Asia/SSPX - FSSPX.News - 03/20/2019)