Singapore : Warning against the priests of the Society of Saint Pius X

Source: FSSPX News


These diocesan priests have asked their parishioners not to take part in ceremonies proposed by priests who are inspired by Archbishop Lefebvre. One of them has made it clear that Catholics will incur excommunication if they participate in the activities of the Society of Saint Pius X.

According to the review Churches of Asia, this clarification is in response to a revival of traditionalist activity. As far back as January 1995, Mgr. Gregory Yong Sooi Ngheam, at that time archbishop of Singapore, made it known that he had not authorized “lefebvrist” priests to celebrate the Mass in his archdiocese.

Today, the local clergy are worried about the Society of Saint Pius X using as advertisement, a tract on which there is an image of Our Lady of Perpetual Succor. According to the archdiocesan leaders, there is a serious risk that “Catholics will infer from this that the Society of Saint Pius X has the support of the Catholic Church”.

The risk incured must be considerable…Yes indeed, even according to the agency Apic, the Society of Saint Pius X has at its disposal, in Singapore, on the second floor of a building in Killiney Road, a chapel capable of welcoming around forty people, a library and an appartment which houses two priests, certainly formidable, at any rate feared, Fr. Daniel Couture and Fr. David Pagliarani. — In the meantime …(see the following article in the News in Brief)