The Society of St. Pius X Welcomes 51 New Seminarians

Source: FSSPX News

This year, 2014-2015, the Priestly Society of St. Pius X has welcomed a total of 51 young men in the first year of spirituality in its different seminaries.

In the northern hemisphere, the Saint-Curé-d’Ars Seminary in Flavigny (France) received 20 new seminarians (12 French, 3 Italian, 1 English, 1 Canadian, 1 Spanish, I Polish and 1 Swiss) and 4 postulants to the brothers (3 French and 1 Italian).

The Sacred Heart Seminary in Zaitzkofen (Germany) received 9 new seminarians (3 German, 2 Austrian, 1 Hungarian, 1 Polish, 1 Swiss and 1 Czech) and 2 pre-seminarians.

The Saint Thomas Aquinas Seminary in Winona (USA) received 14 new seminarians (12 American, 1 Irish and 1 Dutch), 5 postulants to the brothers, all Americans and 18 pre-seminarians, who will take classes of humanities before starting ecclesiastical studies.

In the southern hemisphere, the school year that began in March 2014, saw 4 new seminarians (3 Argentinian and 1 Mexican) and 3 postulant Brothers (2 Mexican and 1 Chilean) enter the Our Lady Co-Redemptrix Seminary in La Reja (Argentina).

4 new seminarians (1 Australian, 1 American, 1 Canadian and 1 Nigerian) entered the Seminary of the Holy Cross in Goulburn (Australia).

This makes a total of 51 first year seminarians and 16 postulants for the year 2014. The new seminarians were 43 in 2013, 50 in 2012, 57 in 2011 and 48 in 2010.

(Source : SSPX/MG – DICI dated October 06, 2014)