Spain: A nun in a State of Dependence on the Internet

Source: FSSPX News

A nun of 54 years, known on the web under the name of Maria Jesús Galán, has been removed from her convent of Santo Domingo el Real, in Toledo (Spain), because of psychological dependence on the Internet. According to the Spanish newspaper El Pais in its online edition of February 22, 2011, and taken up by the French daily Le Monde, the hierarchy disapproved of the fact that a religious had acquired such great notoriety in this way.

Through her Facebook profile she was becoming a celebrity on the Web. The one whom her sisters call “Sister Internet” has in effect more than 10,000 friends on her profile.  Moreover, it is through the social network that she announced her suspension. According to the daily newspaper El Mundo, the superior of the convent would rather have spoken of a “transfer to another monastery of the same order.” “Sister Internet” currently resides with her mother. She now wishes to accomplish one of her dreams: to visit New York and London, as she said on her Facebook profile. -Céline Martin, the sister of Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus, entered the Carmel de Lisieux under the name of Sister Geneviève of the Holy Face. From this contemplative soul to the poor “Sister Facebook” and her 10,000 “friends”—what a difference! (Sources: Apic / world - DICI n ° 231 11/03/05)