The Spiritual Exercises. A leaven for the re-christianization of society.

Source: FSSPX News


The rebuilding of Christendom - is this a utopian dream? Not for a Christian soul. For almost 25 years, the Spiritual Exercises have been preached on a regular basis in various houses of the Society of Saint Pius X or of other friendly organizations. These "closed retreats" (staying in one place and in silence) have produced many and astonishing fruits of grace, whose visible signs are the vitality of the works of Tradition. What would Tradition be without the Spiritual Exercises? A body moved by a soul in a state of lethargy.

Most of the retreats are preached according to the method given by St. Ignatius of Loyola. However, for several years other forms of retreats have been developing and are offering an alternative to the Exercises of St. Ignatius. For instance, the retreat on Christian life preached every year in Flavigny (the SSPX seminary in France) attracts over 70 people.

In spite of the spiritual demands of these Exercises the level of enrolment does not decrease -on the contrary.

We are giving links to the retreats schedules in the US and the UK.

Retreats in the US.

Retreats in the UK.

"Now, be of good courage, poor man! Flee a little from your occupations, escape for a while from the tumult of your thoughts. Leave aside your worries. Give some of your time to God, and rest in Him." (St Anselm)

To any person following spiritual exercises for at least three full days, the Church grants a plenary indulgence (total or partial remission of the temporal punishments due to sins already forgiven, according to the dispositions of the soul.)