SSPX Brothers : Habit taking - first, temporary and perpetual vows

September 27, 2015: Habit taking at la Reja Seminary (Argentine)
Brother Cayetano (Raphael Rodrigues, from São Paulo, Brasil).
Brother Cayetano (holding the missal). On the left : Father Davide Pagliarani, La Reja Seminary Rector.
September 28, 2015: Habit taking at Flavigny Seminary (France)
The applicants : French Augustin de CAUNA (Brother Ambroise), Guillaume JORAND (Brother Bruno) et Italian Eduardo MONTECALVO (Brother Athanase-Marie).
September 29, 2015 :Brother Benoît-Joseph Perpetual vows at Saint-Nicolas du Chardonnet (Paris, France)
Brother Benoît-Joseph Moutien is pronouncing his perpetual vows.
On the left : Brother François-Marie Aubignat celebrating this year its 30 years of religious life.
September 29, 2015 : First, temporary, perpetual vows at the Flavigny Seminary (France)
(Sources : FRANCE)