SSPX Sisters: 200 Professed Members Milestone & New Superior General
Sisters of the Society of St. Pius X on a Mission in the Dominican Republic
The month of April was full of graces for the congregation of the SSPX Sisters: Mother Marie-Jean Bréant was elected Superior General, and the congregation reached the number of 200 professed Sisters.
Quasimodo and Jubilato – or the first and third Sundays after Easter – are a joyful diptych in the life of the Society Sisters; on Quasimodo Sunday the postulants of the French novitiate take the habit and the novices make their first religious profession.
This year, on April 8, Bishop Alfonso de Galarreta, accompanied by many priests, presided over the ceremony in the majestic and contemplative abbatial church of Ruffec, bestowing the habit upon two novices and receiving the profession of three sisters.
On April 22, the third Sunday after Easter, three new novices and two professed sisters were also received in ceremonies in the novitiates of Browerville, in the US, and Göffingen, Germany.
The congregation founded forty years ago by Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre’s sister Mother Marie-Gabriel now has 200 members. The Sisters lead a semi-contemplative life and help the priests in their apostolate all over the world.
Ad multos annos!
Sources: SFSPX / FSSPX.News – 5/1/2018