Stopping the Synodal Path – What is Rome Waiting For?

Source: FSSPX News

The direction taken by the Church of Germany regarding the synodal path has long been deviant. In fact the process has been flawed from the beginning and the danger increases with the passage of time and the progress of the mechanism put in place.

This deviation was denounced by FSSPX.News, with all the supporting evidence. It was enough to take a close interest in this synodal path to discover that it leads straight to schism. And it would even be possible to say that the schism is already there.

Authorized warnings have been issued for a few months, and often addressed to the Sovereign Pontiff. But will they be heard? And if they are heard, will they be followed up?

In an interview with the Italian newspaper Il Foglio on March 10, and published in French on the L’homme nouveau website, Cardinal Sarah spoke of “betrayals at work in the Church.” After discussing the abuses, he expressed his concern about the “temptations at work in Germany on the synodal path.” He adds: “One wonders what will remain of the Gospel if all this goes to the end: a true silent apostasy.”

On March 14, Bishop Philip Egan, Bishop of Portsmouth in England, expressed his concern in a tweet: “Rome should intervene in the German synodal path before it is too late. It is good to work on the burning issues but, at the same time, Rome should reaffirm the doctrinal parameters, insisting that German Catholics look outward, towards service and mission.”

In Germany, Msgr. Rudolf Voderholzer has always been suspicious and even opposed to the ongoing process. And he asked in 2019 to change the process. Cardinal Rainer Woelki, Archbishop of Cologne, has also been more than reluctant to participate in the synodal path.

The site finally revealed in an article of March 9 that Pope Francis expressed to Msgr. Heinz-Josef Algermissen, Bishop Emeritus of Fulda, Germany, on October 12, 2020, his “dramatic concern” regarding the evolution of the synodal path.

Each passing day makes the situation more difficult and dangerous. The case of the Dutch “pastoral council” in the late sixties is an illustration. Rome, in the person of Pope Paul VI, took much too long to react and the Dutch Church was shattered. The mirage of false expectations dissipated, the troops were dispersed and abandoned the Church.

The strong warning shot from episcopal reactions, in Germany and elsewhere, against the decision of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on the blessing of homosexual unions, should finally make people react.

The Pope once said in his “flying magisterium” - it was September 10, 2019, on the plane that brought him back from Madagascar - “that he was not afraid of schisms.” Did he mean he didn't imagine one could happen? Or that he would know how to cope with this situation?

Still, it is no longer a question of being afraid: the schism is there, whether he likes it or not.