The style of Benedict XVI

On the evening of August 18, Joaquin Navarro-Valls, director of the Press Office of the Holy See, spoke to Vatican journalists present in Cologne for the 20th WYD: “Whereas John Paul II expressed himself with gestures, Benedict XVI puts a greater emphasis on words. His pontificate will be one of ideas and words”.
In Le Figaro of August 22, 2005, at the close of the ceremonies, Sophie de Ravinel noted: “His words were strong and direct; his illustrated speeches were easy to understand. But the tone, touching in its humility and sweetness, made no claims to charm. The attraction is in the content, not the style, which is reduced to its most simple expression, at times monotone. At the Saturday evening vigil, with his teacher’s glasses resting on his nose, his text held firmly in front of him, his body motionless, without allowing himself the least improvisation, he was in stark contrast with his predecessor, who had once aspired to be an actor. Some said that he was not in his element with the young. But with them – who had faithfully responded to the invitation – he finally won his gamble at these meetings. These meetings now transcend the charismatic personality of John Paul II, and are committed to their prime objective: to bring about an encounter with Christ. Another gamble was won: ’to reap the fruits of the extraordinary spiritual legacy which Pope John Paul II has left us’”.