Switzerland: The Canton of Zurich Bans the Distribution of the Koran in the Streets
The canton of Zurich’s Department of Public Safety has recommended that communes refuse permission to the organization “Lis!” [Read!] for handing out Korans in the streets.
According to the Tribune de Genève of May 6, 2017, there is concrete evidence that this organization “is in reality intended to radicalize people and incite them to carry on forbidden activities.”
In cases of unauthorized distribution, the police can force those responsible to desist and to leave the place. The Tribune de Genève said that “Lis!” is active in all major Swiss cities. The canton of the City of Basel has already forbidden the distribution of all printed material that “threatens public safety.”
The Department of Public Safety also asked the Confederation to ban the Swiss branch of the organization Die wahre Religion [The true religion]. This is a Salafi organization that also handed out Korans in the streets, and is suspected of recruiting future jihadists for Islamic State (IS). It was banned in Germany in November 2016.
Sources: cath.ch / Tribune de Genève / FSSPX.News - 05/12/17