Switzerland: Eucharistic hospitality allegedly “irresponsible”
Pastoral workers in the deanery of Rorschach, in the canton of St. Gallen, have launched an open Eucharistic invitation, that is without distinction of religious affiliation. An “irresponsible” initiative, according to Canon Markus Büchel, provost of St. Gallen cathedral, in an interview for the daily St. Galler Tagblatt of February 7.
The priest of Goldach, Adri van den Beemt, explained, however, that the invitation had been launched by a priest and two pastoral assistants, all of them having charge of a parish. Their justification: “Jesus ate in the company of everyone”(sic). And Pope John Paul II himself has referred to Eucharistic hospitality as a “reason for joy,” said the promoters of this celebration.
Canon Büchel reproached these pastoral workers for not having observed the distinction between Christians and members of other religions, but he declared without fear of contradiction that non-Catholics could receive Communion insofar as they wish it… Furthermore, for practical reasons, a refusal to give Communion is not conceivable, he said: “We cannot verify in each case whether the person is Catholic, Protestant or without confession.”