Switzerland: The Jesuit Magazine “Choisir” Gripped by Doubt

Source: FSSPX News

The Swiss agency cath.ch on June 28, 2022 gives the theme of the July issue of the Jesuit review of French-speaking Switzerland, Choisir: “Does doubt lead to change?”

The progressive clichés of the post-Council in this delivery are pathetically anachronistic. Thus, in his editorial Fr. Pierre Emonet s.j. declares that “in the face of the enclosure of fundamentalism and the anarchy of fashionable changes, doubt remains the ultimate refuge of freedom, the open door of the prison, the escape beyond the single thought.”

In politics, according to the writer François Cherix: “Doubt is the fuel of democracy..., the engine of reason,” and what allows citizens to make good use of doubt is tolerance for uncertainty.

The same speech is used by the philosopher Stève Bobillier for whom in terms of knowledge and inner self, the danger does not arise from doubt: “It is of absolute certainty that one must be wary.”

And this doubt calls for change. According to Fr. Jean Civelli, in the Church change is hoped for and desirable, which is why: “Through his insistence on denouncing clericalism, [certainly close to the “enclosure of fundamentalisms,” castigated by Fr. Emonet. Ed.] Pope Francis invites the Church to a renewed listening to Scripture so that indispensable changes can be made in her governance..” – Finally the synod on synodality comes…

Just as one should not shoot at an ambulance, especially when it turns into a hearse, one should not refute these terribly dated clichés. For the record: in a press release published on the journal's website, the Jesuits of Switzerland and the members of the editorial staff expressed “the regret to inform that the cultural journal Choisir will cease to appear on December 31, 2022.”

“The continual erosion of the number of its subscribers and that of the Jesuits established in the French-speaking cantons has forced the authorities of the Society of Jesus to put an end to its publication.”

As Lucienne Bittar, editor-in-chief of Choisir, said at the time: “I have the impression that the surge of creativity and dynamism that followed Vatican II has stalled.”