Switzerland: "Lenten Fund" accused of financing the LGBT movement
The American Catholic press agency Catholic News Agency (CNA) revealed on its website on August 21 that the Swiss Catholic organization Lenten Fund participated in the financing of a documentary promoting "homosexuals' rights" in Africa. CNA mentions a sum of nearly 14,000€. As the documentary could not be completed, a report is to be published in the upcoming weeks. It will speak of "the situation of homosexual Catholics" in Ghana, Togo, Benin, Nigeria and Cameron.
According to the CNA, the goal of this report is clearly to "work against the African bishops" (see DICI no.316, June 5, 2015) on the eve the next synod on the family. The hypothesis was confirmed by the website yagg.com on August 31. In this pro-LGBT media, the spokesman for Lenten Fund, Matthias Dörnenburg, admitted to a financial support of 7,000 Swiss francs (about 6,450€). He explained that in Africa, "the situation for homosexual or bisexual persons is terrifying (...). This moved us to support the project, for it is a way of spreading awareness and in no way a form of political propaganda.
For his part, the Swiss organization's press attaché admitted on August 26 on the website cath.ch that "the goal (...) was to raise awareness of these persons' situation before the upcoming synod."
(sources: apic/catholicnewsagency/cath.ch – DICI no.320 dated Sept. 11, 2015)
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