Switzerland: Priests and faithful of the Society of St. Pius X prayed on the path of “Gay Pride”
The priests and faithful were placed by the authorities in a street perpendicular to the procession.
In answer to a call from the Society of St. Pius X District of Switzerland, priests and faithful prayed on the path of the “Pride Walk” in Freiburg, Switzerland, on June 25, 2016. Situated in a perpendicular street, about thirty meters from the path of those demanding “more rights for homosexuals”, the “counter-protestors” sang the sorrowful mysteries and one decade of the glorious mysteries of the rosary. “During this time, the women and children were praying in our chapel,” Fr. Daniel Maret, who was present on site, declared to DICI. The goal was to “repair the offenses against God” and to recall that “not everyone agrees”.
The prefecture authorized the public prayers of the Society, considering that there was “no problem”, since the formal request had arrived on June 15, respecting the legal delays. But the organizers of the homosexual parade of 3000 people said they were given no choice. At the request of the public authorities, and the canton police, they even had to add an article to their security regulation, requiring the participants in the parade to commit in writing to the following rule: “Provocations, including verbal provocations, and any act considered as hostile towards the Society, are forbidden.” In return, the Society of St. Pius X had promised not to disturb the parade. In fact, there was no misbehavior. “When they saw us, they turned the music up, and we heard some people shouting, but nothing really bad,” explained Fr. Maret. Fr. Pascal Schreiber, future superior of the District of Switzerland and one of the organizers, reminded the Swiss media before the protest that “St. Augustine said: hate the sin, love the sinner. We have nothing against these people, but against the ideology they propagate. The fact is that they objectively violate God’s Commandments, and we are against that!”
This was the 15th edition of the “Swiss Pride”. Last year’s was held in Sion, in Valais and drew between 7 and 8000 people. The Society of St. Pius X was not able to pray at the planned time and place, as they did not receive the authorization from the prefecture to publicly oppose this sorry spectacle.
(sources: apic/FSSPX – DICI no.338 July 1, 2016)