The symposium on St. Pius X

Source: FSSPX News


There were rather two symposia, which took place on the weekend 29th - 30th March. The first one, organised by the Academic Institute of St. Pius X, gathered together 250 people for lectures given by academics. The themes of the lectures were announced in DICI. Recordings can be obtained from the secretariat of the Institute (21, rue du Cherche-Midi, Paris 6ème, France).

The second symposium, held on the Sunday afternoon, was destined for the general public and attempted to highlight the reforms of St. Pius X in the framework of two precise themes. More than 500 people came to listen to the lecturers. Fr. Portail, professor at the Institute of St. Pius X, evoked the action of this great pope with regard to priests with the intention of restoring to the Catholic priesthood, all of its splendor. M.Yves Amiot, author of numerous historical works, specified St. Pius X action towards France, during a transition period of French Catholicism.

The afternoon ended with an interview with Mgr.Fellay. The Superior General of the Society of St.Pius X answered questions put to him by Fr.Lorans, placing the action of the Society in the historical context in which we are living, and in which it has very specific role to play. Tradition, the Mass, Rome, Campos, so many matters, whose development interests us. We have devoted a large part of our issue to these subjects, by quoting extensively from this talk in our Documents section.