A Synod on the Synod: Words on Words

Pope Francis officially opened the Synod on Synodality on October 9, 2021 in Rome. Then, on October 17 came the opening in the local churches, followed by the General Assembly of Bishops to be held at the Vatican in 2023.
The following is a commentary from Fr. Alain Lorans.
Two years of consultations for a synod on synods, in other words a synod that speaks about the concept itself.
A Vadenecum handbook is provided to enable a “synodally correct” preparation. It contains the following words: listening, inclusion, participation, dream, hope, novelty, change, stereotypes, prejudices, dialogue, reconciliation, sharing, peripheries, discernment, accessibility, equity, co-responsibility, etc.
All of this is meant to be deep, but only succeeds in being hollow. These words lack a complement that connects them to reality: the dream of what? whose hope? the change in what?
As in all utopias, these general words, which express vague and generous ideas, are elevated to the rank of values in themselves, absolute idols that cannot be considered in a relative way without failing in the devotion which is due to them.
It is said in this Vadenecum handbook that synodality is a matter of “walking together,” but as Stefano Fontana remarks in the Nuova Bussola Quotidiana of September 9: “Walking as such is meaningless and the fact of doing it together does not strengthen it in the very least. What is the real purpose of the synod, in what concrete direction is it going?”
It is also necessary to “listen to the Spirit,” like the Second Vatican Council which wanted to listen to the “signs of the times” and ended up following the spirit of the contemporary world.
Stefano Fontana wisely comments: “The Spirit must certainly be listened to and is definitely speaking to us right now as well, but we cannot think that the Spirit is saying things contrary to that which was said in the previous two thousand years.”
“It is equally certain that the Spirit inspires wherever He wishes, but this is not the case everywhere and equally so, and that in order to better listen to the Spirit we must accept everything the world has created…A Church that listens before having its say is much more dangerous than one that gives its opinion and then listens.”
Regarding the danger pointed out in this last sentence, let us remember the confidence of Msgr. Bruno Forte, special secretary of the synod on the family, revealing what Francis had told him:
“If we explicitly speak of communion for remarried divorcees, you cannot imagine what a mess these [guess who] will put us in. So let's not talk about it directly, let's make sure the premise is there, and then I'll draw the conclusions.”
(Sources : Dici n° 413 - FSSPX.Actualités)