Is There a "Death Algorithm" Capable of Predicting the Time We Will Die?

American researchers have succeeded in giving fairly precise estimates of how long terminally ill patients had left to live.
According to a survey relayed by The Sun, although about 80% of Americans wish to spend their last days at home, about 60% die in hospitals.
Having a way to predict the time of death “could help more people pass on in their preferred environment.”
This may soon be a possibility: with the help of artificial intelligence, researchers at Stanford University in California have developed an algorithm capable of predicting the exact moment of death for persons with incurable diseases.
The study is based on the analysis and use of the medical records of 160,000 patients, both adults and children, with cancer, neurological diseases, and heart failure, from two different hospitals in the suburbs of San Francisco.
The study’s conclusion says, “We find that it is possible to create a model for all-cause mortality prediction and use that outcome as a proxy for the need of a palliative care consultation. That puts us on firmer ground both ethically and safety-wise.”
In our days when assistant suicide is being promoted left, right, and center, we cannot help but have our doubts.
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Sources: The Sun / Ouest France / FSSPX.News – 2/5/2018