Towards Generalized Teaching of Social Doctrine in Eastern Africa

Source: FSSPX News

During the visit of Pope Francis in Nairobi - 2015

In order to fight more effectively against the political instability that is not without consequences for the Church’s activities, the members of the Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa in charge of pastoral care recommend a common study program on the social doctrine of the Church.


The members of the Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa in charge of pastoral care met in Nairobi, Kenya, on November 21 and 22, 2017. The meeting was attended by the pastoral coordinators of Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Ethiopia, and Eritrea; only Sudan and South Sudan were not represented.

After the meeting, a recommendation was presented to the episcopates of Eastern Africa: that of introducing teachings on the social doctrine of the Church into university programs for all Catholic students. 

As one of the participants, Fr. Emmanuel Chimombo, confided to Fides, “We would like students who come to our Catholic universities in the region to be aware of the existence of the social doctrine of the Church in the midst of their college and professional activities”.

With the increasing ravages caused by the civil wars and political instability in this region of Africa, the pastoral coordinators also called for a religious education program for high school and college. They hope in this way to form the faithful and help produce generations capable of serving the common good.

While the intentions of the pastoral coordinators are praiseworthy, their plan of action that involves the creation of seven pastoral ministries, including a ministry of spiritual animation and an inter-confessional and ecumenical ministry leave one pensive… As for the social doctrine of the Church, today it is often reduced to a defense of human rights, democratic transition, and citizen participation. This is a far cry from the true social doctrine of the Church, that promotes the social reign of Christ, laws inspired by the Gospel, respect for God’s commandments and the natural order, the defense of the family, and favoring the true religion in order to save the souls of citizens.