Twelve canonizations forthcoming

Source: FSSPX News


On Friday 7th March an ordinary public Consistory will take place at the Vatican for the canonization of 12 Blesseds, four of whom will be canonized by Pope John Paul II, during his trip to Spain on 3rd and 4th May.

During his visit to Madrid, the 99th of his pontificate, he will canonize the Jesuit who died in 1929, José Maria Rubio y Peralta; the foundress of a religious order, Genoffa Torres Morales, who died in 1956; the daughter of the Spanish ambassador to the Holy See, foundress of numerous Carmels, Blessed Maria Maravillas di Gesu Pidal y Chico De Guzman, who died in 1974; and finally Angela de la Cruz Guerrero, from Seville, foundress of a religious order. This voyage by John Paul II will be the fifth of his pontificate to Spain. The first visit took place 20 years ago in November 1982. The most recent was in June 1993.

On the list of future saints, there are seven Blesseds, of whom the decrees recognising the miracle required for canonization, were accepted by the Pope on 20th December last year. They are: Daniel Comboni (1831-1881), Italian missionary who died in Sudan and founded the Combonians (missionaries who worked mainly in Central Africa); Joseph Sebastian Pelczar (1842-1924), Polish bishop of Przemysl; Arnold Janssen (1837-1909), German priest and founder of three Congregations including that of the Divine Word; Joseph Freinademetz (1852-1909), Italian priest of the Society of the Divine Word and missionary in China, who was beatified in 1975 along with its founder; Maria de Mattias (1805-1866), Italian foundress of the adoration sisters of the Precious Blood and finally Virginia Centurione Bracelli (1587-1651). Married at the age of 15 years by the order of her father, this Italian lady became a widow at 20 years with two children. After the marriage of the latter, she founded the religious of Our Lady of Mount Calvary. The final saint on the list is Pedro Poveda Castroverde (1874-1936), a Spanish priest martyred during the Civil War, and founder of the Theresian Institute.