Two DVDs for Learning how to Celebrate the Traditional Mass

Source: FSSPX News

On August 11, the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei — which has been placed under the authority of the Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith since July 8 — announced that two DVDs were going to be sold to help priests to celebrate Mass in the so-called “extraordinary” form. The first DVD features an introduction by Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos, former president of the Commission, and excerpts from the Mass he himself had celebrated according to the Tridentine rite in the Basilica of St Mary Major in 2003. The second DVD features a series of short tutorial video clips — available in four languages: Italian, English, Spanish and French — explaining in detail the gestures to perform before, during and after the Mass.

Since the end of 2006, the SSPX has been distributing worldwide a DVD on the Tridentine Mass for priests who wish to learn how to say it. In February 2007, answering the questions of DICI, Fr. Patrick de La Rocque, who had conceived of the idea for the film, stated:

“In one month, more than 500 diocesan priests have ordered the DVD. Several gave us their feedback. Besides those who wished to obtain missals and vestments, many thanked us: “To watch this video thoroughly perked me up”; or “Your video is a genuine marvel.” No doubt, there is an important trend in favor of the Traditional Mass. It even goes beyond the circle of diocesan priests. This DVD is being circulated — discreetly so by necessity — in several seminaries in France. Seminarians, under the seal of secrecy, share with us their real doubts: “A combination of circumstances led me gradually to wonder about the Novus Ordo and the traditional liturgy. But peer pressure is great: many clerics ‘do not dare.’ For the moment, I remain ‘in hiding’.” — See DICI n° 151  (

On August 24, the deputy spokesman of the Vatican, Fr. Ciro Benedettini declared that as of now, the Vatican was not considering a new liturgical reform: “Presently, there is no institutional reason to modify the liturgical books in use.” This statement was a response to an article published in the daily Il Giornale which alleged that some recommendations had been addressed to the pope by the Congregation for Divine Worship in favor of communion on the tongue, the celebration of Mass with the back to the people, and an increase of the place given to Latin in the liturgy. (Sources: Apic/Imedia/DICI)

For priests in Canada

For priests in the US a free Mass kit may be obtained from the SSPX US district, it includes a 120 minute long instructional video.

For other countries, please contact the District house

To obtain the DVD in an Asian language, please contact: [email protected]