The Two Sections of the Secretariat of State

Source: FSSPX News

The Secretariat of State is divided into two sections.  The mission of the Section for General Affairs, also called the “first section”, is to expedite matters that concern the daily service of the pope.  It works on the redaction of documents entrusted to it by the Supreme Pontiff, deals with dossiers concerning nominations in the Roman Curia, and guards the lead seal as well as the fisherman’s ring.  It regulates the service and the activity of representatives of the Holy See, especially in their relations with the local Churches, and deals with everything pertaining to the ambassadors to the Holy See.  Finally, it oversees the official organs of communication of the Holy See and the publication of the Acta Apostolicae Sedis and the Annuaire pontifical.

The “first section” is directed by an archbishop, the Substitute for General Affairs (Abp. Giovanni Becciu), assisted by a prelate, the Assessor for General Affairs (Msgr. Peter Brian Wells).  Within the “Section for General Affairs” there is a “French-speaking section”, headed by Msgr. Jean-Marie Speich, who will be relieved of his duties since he has been appointed Apostolic Nuncio to Ghana.

The mission of the Section for Relations with States, also called the “second section”, is to attend to questions that must be discussed with civil governments.  Among its responsibilities are the diplomatic relations of the Holy See with States, including the establishment of concordats or similar agreements, and the representation of the Holy See at conferences and in international organizations.  In special circumstances, at the pope’s behest, and after consultation with the competent dicasteries of the Curia, it can deal with appointments in the particular Churches, as well as the with the founding or modification of particular Churches, or even, in collaboration with the Congregation for Bishops, the appointments of bishops in countries that have concluded with the Holy See treaties or agreements under international law.

The “second section” of the Secretariat of State is headed by an Archbishop, the Secretary for Relations with States (Abp. Dominique Mamberti), assisted by a prelate, the Under-secretary for Relations with States (Msgr. Antoine Camilleri), and assisted by several cardinals or bishops.

At the same time as his announcement of Abp. Parolin’s appointment, the Pope confirmed the roster of those in positions of responsibility in the Secretariat of State:  Abp. Giovanni Becciu, Abp. Dominique Mamberti, Msgr. Peter Brian Wells, Msgr. Antoine Camilleri, as well as Abp. Georg Gänswein at the head of the Prefecture of the Papal Household, who still serves as personal secretary of Benedict XVI.  (Sources : Apic/IMedia – DICI no.281 dated September 13, 2013)

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