United Kingdom: Death of Michael Davies

Source: FSSPX News


Born in 1936, Michael Davies died of a heart attack on September 24, 2004. He had been battling with cancer for the past two years. Journalist and speaker, his action in favor of Tradition had a great influence in Anglo-Saxon countries. He was an untiring defender of the traditional liturgy. He was the president of Una Voce which he had founded in 1966. He was a prolific author of numerous works, including: Apologia pro Marcel Lefebvre, Pope Paul’s New Mass, Liturgical Time Bombs of Vatican II, Pope John’s Council,…

For many years he was a supporter of Archbishop Lefebvre and the Society of Saint Pius X. At the moment of the consecrations, he did not understand the decision of the founder of Ecône, but if he distanced himself somewhat from the Society, he did not spare those who accused it of having brought about a schism. He continued to support it, insisting publicly that the Masses and its priests were lawful and that it could not be considered schismatic. One or two of his opinions were sometimes difficult to understand, such as his optimism over what could happen in certain Roman dicasteries and his defense of Cardinal Ratzinger.

He did not hesitate to defend Tradition before the Ecclesia Dei commission, incuring the displeasure of his president and secretary. He maintained links with many priests of the Society and often defended them in the face of diverse hostile milieu. RIP.