The unsupportable force

The Seven Last Words of Christ by Haydn performed by a naked man before a live audience. A billboard depicting the pope kissing an imam from Cairo on the mouth. Paper currency filling the pierced side of Jesus crucified. Excrement dumped on the face of Christ. Disgusting hamburgers strewn on the ground parodying the multiplication of the loaves….
But in the name of artistic expression it is forbidden to protest and pray publicly. For, as the anti-Christians see it, faith is a provocation and prayer a form of violence.
Fabrizio Cannone, writing in Correspondance Européenne, analyzes this now-routine anti-Christianity: “In reality, what is happening today is that all Catholics—and not only the most intransigent—are the ones experiencing ferocious marginalization by the secularist authorities.” And he warns: “The phenomenon will only intensify unless there are protests in reaction to the continual, tyrannical attacks launched against the Church, the pope and the Christian faith.”
The anti-Christians demand a “right to blaspheme”. We claim that we have a duty to pray in reparation for blasphemies. Prayer, that unsupportable force.
You can watch :
Meeting of Catholics in France against Christianophobia