Vatican: Radio Vatican digitizes the voices of the Popes

Source: FSSPX News

Pius XI in the Radio Vatican recording studios.

The sound archives of Radio Vatican have just been digitized, making 8000 original recordings of popes, from Pius XI through Francis, available to listeners.

These archives were presented April 1st 2014 by Fr. Federico Lombardi, director of Radio Vatican, and Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re, emeritus prefect of the Congregation for Bishops and former collaborator of Karol Wojtyla’s, at a press conference called, “The Voice of the Popes.” Vaticanist Gian Franco Svidercoschi, who followed the pontificates of John XXIII and of John Paul II, and Guido Gusso, majordomo to John XXIII and then chamberlain to John Paul II, were also present.

In addition to offering greater ease of access to researchers and journalists, Fr. Federico Lombardi said, the digitization “will allow these recordings to be preserved through the passage of time.” Since its establishment in 1931, Radio Vatican’s mission is to constitute and preserve pontifical recordings, and to ensure the intellectual property rights over these archives are respected.

(Sources: – Radio Vatican – DICI no. 294, 11/04/14)

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