Visit the site and pass it on to others!

Source: FSSPX News

November 29, 1905 to November 29, 2015 On this 110th anniversary of the birth of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, we are happy to announce the launch of a website dedicated to the memory of our revered founder.

This site is accessible as of today. First and foremost, it is a filial tribute to our beloved father at a time when many, even in the Society of St. Pius X, never knew personally the Archbishop. The site includes a presentation in four languages of the places and major events that marked the course of his life.

It contains photos, videos, and recordings that help us to get to know him. Bishop Bernard Tissier de Mallerais, his biographer, has provided some texts that will allow people to see the depths of the soul of this apostle, missionary, and servant of the Church. But this site is also intended as an apostolate.

At a time when many are beginning to discover the Mass and Tradition, it is important that Archbishop Lefebvre be more than just a name. Visiting the site will not replace reading his biography or his works; it should rather lead to their discovery. May touch your hearts and foster therein a love for Our Lord Jesus Christ by the example of a man who, without doubt, will one day be declared a saint to imitate and invoke. My sincere congratulations and gratitude to everyone whose patient work has brought this wonderful projet to fruition.

Menzingen November 29, 2015 + Bernard Fellay

(DICI dated November 29, 2015)