Weekly News Recap: Church in China, Secret Ordination During WWII, Lourdes' 160th

Source: FSSPX News

This week we look at Cardinal Joseph Zen of the Catholic China Underground, a secret ordination in a concentration camp of Dachau in 1944, and the 160th anniversary at Lourdes.

China Cracks Down on Catholic Church

Cardinal Joseph Zen, bishop emeritus of Hong Kong, met with the Holy Father on January 12th, 2018 to plead the cause of the bishops of the clandestine Church in China.  These bishops may have to bear the devastating consequences of a possible “reconciliation” between the Holy See and the communist Chinese government. The Chinese prelate mentioned the cases of Bishop Peter Zhuang of Shantou and Bishop Guo Xijin of Mindong, who received an order from Rome to leave their sees in order to pacify relations with the Chinese government.

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Secret Ordination in WWII Concentration Camp

While the victims of the Second World War are regularly commemorated, many saintly heroes are still forgotten. That is why FSSPX.news took a special look at a uniquely hidden event in history that took place at the concentration camp of Dachau in December of 1944.  Bishop Gabriel Piguet, bishop of Clermont-Ferrand, the only French bishop deported to a concentration camp during the war, wore “an episcopal ring forged in brass, a pectoral cross sculpted out of a piece of oak wood, and even had a secretly concocted miter” . . .thus adorned on Gaudete Sunday, December 17th, 1944, this brave bishop secretly completed the ordination of a deacon who was also being held prisoner in the camp.

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160th Anniversary of Lourdes

This year Lourdes is celebrating the 160th anniversary of the famed apparitions of Our Lady to St. Bernadette. The apparitions of the Blessed Virgin took place from February 11 to July 16, 1858 at the grotto of Massabielle. While there were 18 apparitions in total, the day of March 25, 1858, is the most famous, as it was the day This “Beautiful Lady” revealed Herself to be the Immaculate Conception.

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