Weekly Video News Recap: Growth of SSPX, General Chapter, A Study of Abp. Lefebvre

Source: FSSPX News

This week we look at the growth of the Society of Saint Pius X, a new study on the integrity of the Society’s founder, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, and a new video on the Fatima Pilgrim Statue’s journey around the United States.

2018: Status of the SSPX & General Chapter

Following the 2017 ordinations, the Society of St. Pius X now has 637 priests, with 123 professed brothers and 79 oblate sisters working by their side. In its seminaries and novitiates throughout the world, approximately 250 young men are currently being formed in the service of the altar. The next step in the life of the Society in 2018 is its General Chapter meeting, which is held every 12 years to elect a Superior General and two assistants. 

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New Study on the Archbishop's Constancy

Fr. Paul Robinson, a professor at the Society of Saint Pius X’s Holy Cross Seminary, has written a new article on Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre and his relationship with the Roman authorities. Contrary to the contentions of certain naysayers, Fr. Robinson demonstrates that the Archbishop was remarkably consistent in both his attitude toward the Church and his dealings with other bishops, including the Pope.

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Video Chronicles Pilgrim Statue's US Journey

The United States District of the Society of St. Pius X organized a devotion to Our Lady of Fatima in honor of the 100th anniversary of Her apparitions. A video chronicling this devotion is now available online. The devotion was publicly held for over two and a half years and built around a special statue of our Lady of Fatima, hand carved and painted according to the vision described by Sister Lucy in her memories. This pilgrim statue traveled to over 33 states, totaling over 110 destinations.

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