Where Do People Pray to the Blessed Virgin Mary the Most?

Source: FSSPX News

The two most important Marian sanctuaries in the world are in Latin America: the numbers of pilgrims in 2017 confirm this reality.


Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico takes first place for the most visited Marian shrine. No less than 20 million faithful came from all over the world in 2017 to venerate the “brown Virgin” mysteriously imprinted upon Juan Diego’s tilma in 1531.

The second most visited pilgrimage site after Guadalupe is the Brazilian sanctuary of Aparecida. Over 13 million pilgrims came to pray before the miraculous statue of the Virgin discovered in 1717. For the three-hundredth anniversary, the sanctuary received a record number of pilgrims, revealed its rector, Fr. João Batista de Almeida.

With over 432 million Catholics, Latin America has indeed become one of the vital centers of Catholicism in the world.