WHO: When the Masks Fall

The WHO building in Geneva
For more than half a century, the World Health Organization (WHO) has been planning population reduction through abortion and contraception. This is what emerged from the recent study published by the European Center for Law and Justice (ECLJ), which has the merit of highlighting the true nature of reproductive health policies carried out on a planetary scale.
“We constantly put on the mask, and leaving nature, we fear to show ourselves in our own face.”
Louis-Marie Bonneau and Gregor Puppinck seem to have learned Boileau's lesson, because the two researchers shed their masks in their study, published by the ECJL in February 2024.
The authors set out to analyze the Human Reproductive Health Program (HRP) developed by the WHO in the 1970s, and refined over the years. It is a program which refers to the work of Paul Ehrlich published in 1968 under the title The Population Bomb. It was the birth of a catastrophist ecology that advocated population reduction or de-growth.
Until now, documentation regarding the HRP has come from former executives who participated in the program and adopted a holistic approach. An independent study capable of describing in more detail how the WHO structured research around reproductive health was lacking.
The great merit of the ECLJ researchers is to understand how the HRP fits into the UN strategy for controlling global demography: “With the aim of improving health and prosperity by reducing the population, the HRP has played a leading role both in the development of methods of contraception and abortion, and in the area of making the acceptable.”
Another aspect of the study is to highlight the role played by private actors who have always more or less liked to remain in the shadows. A study of the financing of the HRP reveals the colossal investments of some of the most influential foundations in the world.
In 2019, for example, Warren Buffett pledged nearly $100 million to HRP. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation also provides funding to the program on an ongoing basis, to the tune of $3 to $4 million per year over the 2019-2022 period. And the authors also cite the generosity demonstrated by the Ford, Rockefeller, Hewlett, and MacArthur foundations,
The stated objective of the HRP in the 1970s was to avoid an explosion of the “population bomb” which would, according to the WHO, have led to lasting global famine.
In 2021, this scenario that never happened is outdated, since the FAO – the UN body for food and agriculture – estimated that 17% of global food production was wasted and noted the overall aging of the population. However, the HRP agenda on abortion and contraception remains unchanged.
And the two ECLJ researchers ask: “Is the objective of the UN really the prosperity of humanity, or rather the emergence of a new human nature? Regardless, it is essential to raise awareness of the HRP and its work, in order to remove the mask of its good intentions and reduce its influence as well as that of its donors.”
(Source : ECLJ – FSSPX.Actualités)
Illustration : Photo 177663856 © Diego Grandi | Dreamstime.com